World No Tobacco Day: With its Focus on ‘Tobacco & Lung Health’ This Year, Dr A.K. Singh Gave us All The Details on Lung Health & More


Did you know that every year, on 31st May, the World Health Organization (WHO) and global partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)? As the name suggests, the day is dedicated to raising awareness on the harmful effects of tobacco use and to discourage its use globally. World No Tobacco Day 2019’s theme is ‘tobacco and lung health’. So we got in touch with Dr. A.K. Singh, Chest Specialist, Pulmonologist & Allergy Specialist at Apollo Hospital to answer questions about the harmful effects of tobacco and smoking.

First of all, Doctor, tell us a little bit about yourself & your practice.

I am Anil Kumar Singh and I am a Pulmonologist. My specialisation is treatment of Pulmonary diseases like Asthma, COPD (Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis), Allergic Cough, Sarcoidosis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, ILD, Lung Cancer and other Pulmonary Disorders. I am currently working with the Apollo Hospital, Lucknow.

31st of May, every year is celebrated as the World No Tobacco Day. And smoking is one of the most common ways in which people consume tobacco. So, could you tell us a little bit about the ill-effects of smoking?

Smoking cigarettes affects our respiratory system, circulatory system, reproductive system, our skin, and it even increases the risk of having different types of cancers. Smoking is a very personal habit but at the same time, it is bad for your entire system. It even increases a greater risk of developing and dying from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). The chances of having strokes and asthma problems enhance more.

(Image Source: Your Health)

Both male and female of this generation are equally hurting their body while smoking. Smoking cigarettes damage their reproductive system and make it more difficult to get pregnant. And if a pregnant woman is smoking it affects pregnancy and the developing fetus in several ways. People who even indulge in some passive smoking, it affects their lungs and body in multiple ways.

(Image Source: sceinecnewsforstudents)

Does Delhi’s air already being so polluted worsen the situation for people who smoke?

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Poor air quality can cause asthma, coronary heart disease, lung cancer, and diabetes. You are even at the risk of having an accelerated decline of lung function and heart attacks. The chances of getting treated even reduce as the air which we breathe is also toxic.

This year’s theme for World No Tobacco Day is Lung health. So, could you tell us about how smoking & tobacco affect the lungs?

(Image Source: UPMC Healthbeat)

Smoking damages our heart, blood circulation and even increases the risk of conditions such as heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Even inhaling sheesha, hookah is one of the same things as cigarettes. Cold, asthma and cough are just the beginning which later leads to serious lung infections.

A lot of times we hear people saying that they are not ‘regular’ smokers. What are the ill-effects of smoking even if one may not be a regular smoker?

(Image Source: cedrsolutions)

There is no term is known as a regular smoke. The chemicals and tar in cigarettes increase a person’s risk of having lung trouble. If you smoke one cigarette, you hurt your lungs and heart each time you light up. The longer you smoke, the worse the damage becomes.

If a person is a smoker, when do you think is the right time for them to go for a lung checkup?

(Image Source: WebMD)

The very first thing there is no right time to visit the doctor. And any time is the right time to quit. Even if there is a beginning of coughing then you should definitely see a chest specialist right away. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop tuberculosis disease. The first thing is to do is CT scan and lung functions need to be done.

Finally, how do you think people can take care of their health, especially lungs?

(Image Source: scienceworld)

Taking care of our health is very important, more so because air pollution is already causing health troubles for us. The first and foremost thing to do is to quit smoking. By taking baby steps for the environment like planting a tree, indulging in indoor plants will make a difference. You should even add green leafy vegetables, add a portion of fruits, almonds, walnuts, fish oil in your meals to keep yourself healthy. But regular exercise is a must and you should do pranayama. And avoid those people who smoke around you.

(Featured Image Source: well.blogs.nytimes)


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