Meet Telangana’s Ajay Kumar, The Man Who Entered Limca Book of Records For Creating World’s Smallest Functional Violin & Scissors


We recently got the chance to speak to the man who has been breaking World Records with his mico-art sculptures! Telangana based goldsmith and sculptor Mattewada Ajay Kumar’s tiny functional violin and scissors, both of which weigh less than a milligram each have earned him a spot in the Limca Book of World Records. However, this is not his first time. Mr Kumar, in his 29 years as a micro-artist, has set several world records even before.

“I learnt goldsmith work and micro-art from my father and have been in this profession since the past 29 years.”

The first time Mr Kumar made it into the Limca Book of World Records was in 2004 with the tiniest functional seven-levered lock and key. This 20-carat gold lock weighed 1.54 gms and came with an 11.2mm long key. It took Ajay 30 hours to complete this.

“I also made a miniature working model of a fan. I used 6.5 gm of 20-carat gold.” This 3.2 cm long fan worked on 1.5-volt battery.

The miniature functioning violin that got him a place in the Limca Book of World Records in 2009 was 20 mm long weighing 0.74 mg. “It took me 12 hours to complete this. The strings are made out of steel wires. This violin can be played.”

In 2015, he also made it into the Limca Book of World Records with a pair of scissors that he made in 3 hours. The scissors were 11 mm long and weighed 0.18 mg.

Ajay Kumar has also made miniature figurines inside the eye of the needle.

Ajay makes sure to pay attention to detail. He has made a miniature figurine of Lord Ganesha inside the eye of the needle along with a laddoo and a small mouse beside him. He also added a 24-carat gold chain around his neck. Can you believe such fine details? It’s definitely unbelievable for us!

Talking to us exclusively, Ajay spoke about his Dandi March sculpture, “While listening to the radio last year I learnt that it is Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday on the 2nd of October. So in honour of that, I carved miniature figurines depicting the Dandi march inside the eye of the needle.”

Invisible to the naked eye, this sculpture can only be viewed under a microscope. The wax figures measure about 1.02 mm in length and less than 0.5 mm in width. As always, he has paid a lot of attention to the details. Gandhi Ji’s stick and his spectacles are very much visible. You will also be able to see the freedom fighters behind.

“My miniature sculpture was recently inaugurated at India’s National Salt Satyagraha Memorial located at Dandi in Gujarat on the 30th of January this year.”

Breaking World Records

When we asked Mr Ajay Kumar Mattewada if he always wanted to break world records with his mico-art said, “I just make these things out of passion. All I want is for people to see and appreciate them. That’s what brings a smile on my face. It doesn’t matter to me whether they know the name of the artist behind it or not. As long as they see my work and like it.”

Well, we and the entire world is definitely loving his passion for creating micro-sculptures!


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