Cersei of the House Lannister, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms. Sounds pretty amazing in itself, doesn’t it? This woman has got to be one of the most badass characters on GoT. And badass in a way that makes us kinda want to root for her. If you’re not convinced of her badassery, let us take you through some the epic Cersei moments which will make you say ‘What a woman!’
1. When she tells Euron what it takes to be with the Queen

She tells Euron, ‘If you want a whore, buy her. If you want a Queen, earn her.” And then sleeps with him 5 minutes later anyway. That’s Cersei for you, see how little she cares about what anyone else thinks. Or she’s probably got something vicious brewing in her mind! Guess we’ll find out soon!
2. When she slapped Joffery for being out of line

God knows he deserved that for making fun of his own mother for her husband’s infidelity. But what’s even better is she didn’t give an eff about the fact that he could have her killed for doing so.
3. When she wine boards Septa Unella

Cersei has always got to be the one to get the last laugh. And the last laugh is what she got as she poured wine on Septa Unella. Asking her to confess, much like she had asked Cersei repeatedly to confess while she was imprisoned in the sept. SHAME!
4. When she burned down the Great Sept of Baelor

Revenge is probably this woman’s favourite word. She got her revenge as she blew up a cache of a wildfire under the Great Sept of Baelor during Margaery and Loras Tyrell’s trial, killing both them and their captor in one gigantic green explosion. Who’s laughing now?
5. When she attacks Robert’s masculinity

Cersei demands justice for Jaime after accusing Ned Stark of attacking him in the streets. However, Ned is Robert’s BFF, so he wants to hear Ned’s side of the story. Which is when she says, and we quote “I should wear the armour and you the gown.” What an effing woman, isn’t she?
6. When she almost gets Little Finger killed just to prove a point

When Lord Baelish smugly tells her knowledge is power, she tells her guards to seize Baelish, and cut his throat. And we all know what happens then. At the very last moment, she tells them she’s changed her mind and tells Baelish ‘Power is power.’ Guess who just got schooled!
7. When she says it like it is

Cersei knows better than anyone that “When you play the Game of Thrones you win, or you die. There is no middle ground.” She warns Ned Stark way before in season 1, and we all know how things ended for him. RIP.
8. When she doesn’t give two hoots about the High Sparrow

The Faith militant confronts Cersei inside the red keep, and she straight out refuses their command to meet the High Sparrow in the Sept of Baelor. As she walks away, the Mountain stands in front of the Faith to block them from touching her. Lancel asks Cersei to tell him to back down, or there will be violence. And she says ‘I choose violence.’
9. Cersei sits on the Iron throne

Oh, yes, she did. Season 6, Episode 10. Need we say anything more about the badassery of this woman? She can go to any lengths to get what she wants! And secretly (or not so secretly anymore) we hope she ends up sitting on the iron throne for reals this time!
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