Don’t Obsess!!! Embrace The Extremes To Find Your Balance

Us women always have something to complain about on our bodies. When we get on a health kick or roll of eating clean and exercising, it can sometimes turn in to an unhealthy extreme. Believe me, been there, done that! The opposite can happen just as easily. We eat one cookie and suddenly think we’ve messed it all up and continue to eat the rest of the box…..also been there, done that! What we all could benefit from is just listening to our own bodies and truly loving ourselves without worrying about anyone else’s body

Travel Alone – Experience Life Through Journeys Of Self Discovery And...

Travel is important because it fundamentally transforms us. By taking a break from your daily life, unplugging from the pulls and pushes of technology and engaging in new activities in new places, it is easier release unwanted habits. Also, it is empowering to surround yourself with people who don't know the encyclopedia of your past. It reinforces your willingness to broaden your horizons, to get unstuck and to move in new directions. Choosing to travel alone for pleasure however is not very common since it considered unsafe to do so. Its true that in the past travelling alone was considered to be hard, inconvenient and fraught with risks. But all of that is changing as more and more people seek to travel alone thereby forcing participants of the travel economy to cater to the growing demand.

Back On Popular Demand – Nadi Astrology

We have received an overwhelming response to this article and for the first time ever we have decided to reproduce it with answers to some questions and more information. Other article in this series can be viewed at the links below: Nadi Astrology – Opening the leaf to your future List of Nadi Astrology Centers in India Nadi Astrology, The Advanced Chapters – Finding Your Perfect Life Partner Can you believe that someone in Tamil Nadu at Vaithiswarankoil (290 kms [...]

Is Only Yoga Enough To Loose Weight

A DelhiPlanet Health And Wellness Exclusive, In Association With Queen Yogini Kristin McGee It is a common perception among people and especially the youth that...

5 Key Behaviors Demonstrated by Good Managers That Lead to Success

What does it take to create a successful organization? Research this topic and the one consistent theme you will come across everywhere is that great talent is essential for building anything noteworthy. However, is it enough to only have smart people who are highly self-motivated onboard. Or is that just one piece of the puzzle that needs to be present on the journey towards creating a lasting enterprise. A ground-breaking research conducted by Nitin Nohria (Harvard Business School), William Joyce (Tuck School Of Business) and Bruce Robertson asked a similar question. Their findings brought to light the fact that companies that outperformed their peers excelled at a finite set of primary and secondary management practices. This winning combination of better management techniques and the recipe of business success is referred to as the "4+2" formula. It states that firms that sustain superior business performance excel at the four primary levers of strategy, execution, culture, and structure.

Yoga and Young Kids – Three Reasons Why It Makes Terrific...

There is a famous belief in the religion of Hinduism that young children are a reflection of god with each one being born with an extremely pure heart. This fact is often mirrored in the their behavior and natural abilities which are way advanced than adults who often need to train intensively to gain the level of flexibility naturally present in babies. It is true that babies are born as little yogis and yoginis. At every stage in development, babies naturally curl and rest into a variety of asanas that would make any yoga student green with envy. It is for this very natural reason that in a perfect world yoga and young kids would be synonymous with one another.

Health And Wellness: Shrinking is Stinking – Lengthen Up And Revitalize

A DelhiPlanet Health And Wellness Exclusive, In Association With Queen Yogini Kristin McGee Welcome to the first article of DP Health and Wellness. In today's...

4 Amazing International Destinations to Enjoy The Magic Of Star Gazing!

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are. The famous nursery rhyme born out of a 19th-century poem, is among the first things that we learn in our lives. It is then fair to assume that from an early age each one of us, male or female is fascinated by the shiny distant objects that sparkle in the night sky. Given this early psychological setting, witnessing a blanket of stars cover the dark sky at night is always breath-taking. And yet, such a sight is as rare as seeing a double rainbow, a shooting star or a frozen waterfall. Why it is becoming increasingly difficult to witness a star studded sky even in moderately populated cities of the world? This feature explains the reason while also telling you about places where one can indulge in the magic of star-gazing.

Four Office Yoga Moves To Undo What The Office Does To...

Sit up straight!, Don't slouch!, admonishing words that many of us have heard from our mother's during our childhood. If you were smart enough to not have ignored them you probably realize it today in your adulthood that mother always knows best because good posture is important. Its important because 1) it sends a message about how you feel about yourself, and 2) good posture can make you appear taller, thinner and more at ease. So what exactly is good posture, lets try to understand this a little more. Think of your body as a building, an architectural marvel designed to work with the force of gravity such that no one structure is over-stressed. In the physical world an architect has to take these same laws of gravity and weight distribution into account when he or she designs a building. And like a building with a poor foundation a body with poor posture is less resistant to the strains and stresses we experience over the months, years and decades of life.

Deep Sleep – The Undisputed Source Of Extreme Happiness And Joy

To understand the experience of deep sleep of another person we do not have to ask him. As soon as somebody says that he had a deep sleep we are able to understand his experience, without asking him at all. The reason we have to ask the other person’s waking and dream experiences because we are different from him in these two states. However, if anybody’s deep sleep experience is understood by us even without asking, it automatically shows that during deep sleep there is no difference at all between us; I am himself. In other words, it is clear that I exist in everybody’s deep sleep. In the waking state, we experience the world through our sense organs and mind, which are different for each individual. In dreams however, the sense organs are inactive and only the mind functions.

Health, Everyday Life, Dating, Living Alone – Essential Life Hacks Worth...

A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. That's the true definition of a hacker. Interestingly, hackers are present in all walks of life and more often than not the most successful people in different fields share common traits with each other, many of which subscribe to the hacker ethic. Each one of us can be a hacker and hack our way to success, in fact if you are smart enough you should be learning new hacks everyday. To get you started we have compiled a list of great life hacks ranging from health, everyday living to dating and living alone.

Meditation – Dispelling the Myths and Excuses

Meditation is quite an enigma amongst those who are contemplating dabbling in the practice, and as such, there seem to be quite a few myths around its existence. In addition, people have huge expectations of meditation. I hope to gently break down some of those myths and reveal some of the truths I have discovered about meditation. ‘Yogash citta-vritti-nirodhaha’ = ‘Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind’ (Yoga Sutras 1.1 – 1.4) [...]

Delhi Planet Weekends – Know Your Body

In today’s fast paced world, where everyone is running after money and more money, people often tend to ignore the core and engine that propels their daily lives. No, it’s not your cellphone, but your very own body. So this weekend take some time off for yourself and get to know a little more on how you can better take care, of the most amazing invention in the world better known as the the human body. My Foot “My Foot“,

The Genesis Of Fasting And The Propriety Of Detox For A...

A study of various religious texts highlights the fact that what they preach are essentially the basic principles of life. One among the various philosophies enshrined in these texts is that of gaining self-discipline and control over our physical senses. Abstinence better understood as the self-enforced restraint from indulging in pleasure giving activities is described in detail in most scriptures. When we think of abstinence in the 21st century, four terms come to mind, namely alcohol, tobacco, coitus and food. Of these four wants only one is a need, as it is required for the basic functioning of all living organisms on earth - FOOD. Abstinence from food is thus seen as the ultimate penance and the only way to overcome the trap of worldly indulgences. It thus comes as no surprise that the act of Fasting is explained in great detail in all faiths, particularly in Islam and Hinduism.

DelhiPlanet Weekends : The Million Dollar Vacation

Imagine a vacation where you get to stay in a three bedroom-suite lined with gold and marble – with crystal chandeliers, a lounge with a 1.5m plasma TV and laptops. If that isn’t exotic enough then add the fact that there would be a personal butler to tend to you 24 hours a day between private jet excursions, where you can claim a handmade Persian rug in Iran, receive a spa treatment at the Dead Sea and hit Bahrain to [...]

Look Smashing While Staying Busy – 10 Fitness Tips For Career...

Our media-centered society of today, puts a premium on good health and physical well-being, and this is not something that women can afford to take for granted despite their busy schedules. Neglecting your health can have long-term adverse effects on your health, and as they say, prevention is still always better than the cure. No matter how busy your life may get, there are little changes that you can do to take the step to being a healthier and fitter you. In this special feature New York based celebrity yoga instructor Kristin Mcgee who herself is an inspiring entrepreneur and fitness professional, shares 10 fitness tips for career women. These simple to follow fitness tips for career women are certain to keep you sexy, good looking and fit even while you work around the clock juggling your many hats.

Planning a Trip To Europe? Here Are 5 Ways to...

Unless you belong to country with a strong currency and are visiting a third world country for your travels, there are always going to be moments when you might give up doing an activity you had in mind due to lack of funds. When it comes to Europe, going around the continent is an expensive proposition for most of us who aren't Europeans. Thus, if you're planning a trip to Europe as a youngster or backpacker you can ensure that you have a ball of a time with a little bit of planning. Follow this five tips and you'll surely squeeze out every Euro you spend to the maximum

DP Travel: Our Tips For The First Time Traveller

DelhiPlanet is back after a mind-blowing trip across Europe and if you wanna know what we did then keep checking us out. With DP Travel you’ll be travelling across the length and breadth of Europe from the comfort of whereever you are. First Time Air Travel, especially International Travel is something that most people look forward to and many experience it at some point in their life in one form or another. As much as one may deny it, travelling [...]

How To Plan a Backpacking Trip Across Europe: Part II

In continuation to the first part of our series(check here), DP Travel tells you, how you can easily plan an amazing adventure and vacation across the beautiful lands of Europe. Submit Your Visa Application: Once you have collected all the required documents and filled up the visa application form, submit it at the embassy or the appropriate VFS center. Do Remember to carry 2-3 photocopies of the first page of your passport in addition to all the other required documents. [...]

Five Leadership Lessons For Entrepreneurs Inspired From The Life And Times...

Sachin Tendulkar doesn't need an introduction in the same manner as God doesn't need an introduction. A career spanning 24 years, largely at the top of his field has and will continue to inspire millions of people in the decades to come. Its now time to delve into the qualities that made Sachin Tendulkar the "Little Master" and use them as foundations for building meaningful enterprises in India and other countries. Several parallels and corollaries can be drawn from the life and times of Sachin Tendulkar as a cricketer and what entrepreneurs go through in running businesses. Just like cricket, entrepreneurship is also a team game and budding entrepreneurs need to showcase rigor, will power and discipline both on and off the field to succeed. Lets then take a look at five leadership lessons for those inspired individuals who aim to achieve even just 10% of the success gained by Sachin Tendulkar during his cricketing career.