From Ned Stark to Hodor, 7 Shocking Deaths in Got Which Will Haunt us Even After The Series Ends!


In the words of Jaqen H’ghar – Valar Morghulis. While we’ve gotten used to that phrase in the course of these 8 seasons, however, there are some characters whose departures left us shook. Whether it was a good guy or one of the bad ones, these deaths hit us hard and boy, do we wish these characters to make a comeback!

1. Ned Stark

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One of the first deaths in the series, Ned Stark’s beheading set the tone for the rest of the show. It gave the viewers a glimpse of what they had coming. Even after all these years, err.. after all these seasons, we have not been able to get over it. Lord Eddard Stark, who was supposed to be sent to exile in the Night’s Watch after he confessed to treason, was beheaded on the orders of Joffrey Baratheon (Damn you, Joffery). Before his death, Ned notices that Yoren, a brother of the Night’s, watch has Arya. Sansa, on the other hand, is tormented by Joffery to watch as Ser Ilyn Payne decapitates their father.

2. Khal Drogo

Image Source: Time Magazine

The fearsome Dothraki warrior, aka Khal Drogo, referred to as the ‘The Great Khal’ also left us early on in the series. Season 1, Episode 10 to be precise. The Khal was gearing up to help Dany invade Westeros. However, he succumbed to an infection from a wound sustained fighting one of his men. Daenerys also used blood magic to revive him, which only left him in a comatose. Ultimately she had to smother him in the act of mercy killing. What a heart-wrenching moment that was!

3. The Starks

Image Source: Entertainment Weekly

The Red Wedding. What a massacre it was. So much so that it broke the internet. By this point in the series, we were used to constantly fearing for the lives of our favourite characters; however, the Red Wedding still came as a massive shock! Talisa, who was pregnant, was stabbed in the stomach by Lothar Frey. After watching his unborn child and wife’s murder, Rob was shot by a crossbow by one of the Frey’s and then stabbed through the heart by Roose Bolton. Finally, Catelyn Stark, who wailed with the pain of the loss of her loved ones, also had her throat slit. But not before she killed one of Walder Frey’s wives. The Red Wedding left us shell-shocked, and we still have not been able to recover from this blood bath.

4. The Baratheon Kids

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Or should we say the Lannister offsprings? Myrcella, Jamie and Cersei’s daughter, was poisoned by Ellaria Sand to avenge the death of Oberyn Martell of Dorne. She died in Jamie’s arms while he admitted to her that he is her true father. After Cersei burnt down the Great Sept Baelor which led to the death of his beloved wife Margaery, Tommen committed suicide, jumping from the top of the Red Keep. The demise of both these sweet and innocent Lannister kids truly broke our hearts. But the death of Joffery, on the other hand, was a moment of good riddance. He died at his wedding, choking on poisoned wine. This was a death every GOT fan dreamed of. However, it left us wondering who would take his place. Say what we might, Joffery was a memorable character with all the hate he garnered for himself. What say?

5. Ygritte

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For all those hopeless romantics who were rooting for Jon and Ygritte, this was like a jab straight to the heart. We know it was for us. Olly, a member of the Night’s Watch, shot her with a bow and arrow in the Battle of Castle Black. RIGHT IN FRONT OF JON SNOW. While it was said that he shot her because he thought she was just another wildling, but we’re not so sure. Ygritte was the one who killed his father when their village was attacked by a group of wildings. Coincidence? We think not. Whatever the motive, this was one of the most heartbreaking deaths. We still wish Ygritte would come back somehow to say ‘You know nothing, Jon Snow.’

6. Tywin Lannister and Shae

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This whole death sequence was an unfortunate one. Tyrion, who was sentenced to death by his father, escaped the prison and headed to Tywin’s quarters only to find Shae in his bed. Having been betrayed by Shae, he first strangled her to death and then shot his father with a crossbow on the toilet. This string of events was in equal parts, both satisfying to watch as well as heartbreaking. Our heart went out to Tyrion, especially after he strangled the woman he loved!

7. Hodor

Image Source: Bustle

Probably the most devastating of the lot, Hodor’s death was preordained. Bran had a vision of Hodor in his youth and he tried to link the minds of the younger Hodor to the present day Hodor causing the young Hodor to suffer a seizure along with Hodor witnessing his own death. He heard Meera shouting hold the door and started to repeat that, eventually slurring the sentence until it became ‘Hodor’. Hodor kept holding the door, giving Meera time to escape along with the still unconscious Bran. Eventually, the wights tore him apart. Just narrating this sequence is bringing tears to our eyes since Hodor was probably the only good person in all of Westeros. So one more time to honour his memory, HODOR!

Featured Image Source: elitedaily


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