Check Out Some Of The Most Unconventional Courses That Are Offered By Universities


If you ask your parents they’ll tell you that back in their time they only had like 4 career option to choose from. Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer and Teacher. Which meant the universities at their time offered a limited number of courses. But now, things are very different. With so many new careers coming up, universities are offering majors in just about anything under the sun. So we decided to take a look at some of the strangest, funniest and most unconventional courses that universities these days have to offer. Yes, they’re real. And yes, students do opt to take them up!

1. Tree Climbing – Cornell University

Image Source: Head Rush Technologies

We definitely think climbing trees is fun and all. But, studying tree climbing? Now that’s something we never even thought about. However, Cornell University certainly thinks it’s something we need to be educated about. Therefore, their Recreational Tree Climbing is a comprehensive course for individuals or small groups wishing to learn how to climb trees safely. It’s taught by their senior tree staff and covers all the basic skills of tree hazard assessment, ascending, descending, line placement and moving around in the canopy. And the best part is that you don’t need any prior tree climbing experience to enrol for this course!

2. Auctioneering – Harrisburg Area Community College

Image Source: The Staffing Screen

We have to admit, Auctions do seem pretty cool but who knew you’ve actually got to study an entire course to become an auctioneer (the person who says “Sold to that gentleman at the back!”) After completing their auctioneering courses and passing the Pennsylvania State Auctioneer License Examination, you’ll become self-employed as a licensed auctioneer. They’ll teach you stuff like how to develop an auction chant, procure merchandise for auction, organize and prepare an auction and conduct an auction. Any aspiring auctioneers in the house?

3. Puppet Arts – University of Connecticut

Image Source: Ichcap

Puppetry is certainly an art that requires a lot of dedication, hard work and patience and the grit to learn. No wonder the University of Connecticut offers a proper course in Puppet Arts. The graduates of UConn’s Puppet Arts program perform and design for many theatres around the world. They appear in, build for and manage internationally recognized television programs (such as Between the Lions) and films, write books, design toys, teach children, and direct prominent schools and museums. Definitely sounds very interesting. Doesn’t it?

4. Wasting Time on The Internet – University of Pennsylvania

Image Source: Stealth Concealment

This is a subject all Millenials need to be schooled in. We spend our lives watsing time in front of screens: checking social media, watching cat videos, chatting, and shopping. Yes, we are all guilty of these! All you need is a laptop and a wifi connection and and you can learn the alchemical recuperation of aimless surfing into substantial works of literature. Students are required to stare at the screen for three hours, only interacting through chat rooms, bots, social media and listservs. That’s all of our favourite things to do, we’re definitely signing up for this course!

5. Turfgrass Science Major – Penn State University

Image Source: Wyevale Garden Centres

Football is kind of a big deal in Pennsylvania. Which obviously means they like the grass greener on their side. It only makes sense that the university’s Department of Plant Science, has offered a full undergraduate degree program in Turfgrass Science since as far back as 1929. The course includes biology, chemistry, and meteorology. Sounds quite intense. Who knew so much science goes into keeping the grass green?

6. Pop Culture – Bowling Green State University

Image Source: The Inclusion Solution

This is by far our favourite one on this list. For anyone who has the slightest bit of interest in pop culture, So basically everyone, the Bowling Green State University allows you to get a degree in Pop Culture! Popular culture studies everyday life, including everything that is mass-produced by us and for us. The study matter includes the world in which we live, relax and have fun. Imagine watching tv-series and movies for a class or studying cars, houses, music, museums, celebratory events, holidays, magazines and many other manifestations of pop culture!? We think this is the course for us, what about you?

7. Fermentation Sciences – Appalachian University

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We know there’s a lot of drinking when you go to University but have you ever thought about studying how to make wine or brew beer? Well, you can opt for a university course to do just that! Fermentation Sciences at Appalachian University teaches you wine and brewing from systems design and engineering to understand the social and cultural implications of food and beverage production. All the foodies and alcohol lovers, we think this course is the perfect one for you! Isn’t it?


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