At 2,135 Meters Above Sea Level & 650 Stairs Tall, Here’s Why You Need to Visit The Big Guatape Rock in Colombia!


No matter you are from which part of the world, everybody has a travel bucket list. Be it somewhere in their own country, or Europe, be it in the mountains or the beaches- all of us have a dream destination. But would you say a gigantic rock qualifies for that? Well, once you get to know about the Big Guatape Rock in Colombia, you might reconsider!

Image Source: Unusual Places

A total of 650 stairs lead you through a narrow crack on the edge of the impressive La Piedra Del Penol, better known as The Big Guatape Rock. Once you reach the top of this rock, you’ll be greeted with a simply breathtaking view! Also, what has to be one of the most amazing lookouts in all of Colombia. At 2,135 meters above sea level, this rock is a natural wonder. Also, it is the best spot to enjoy panoramic views of Guatape Lake and this beautiful region.

The massive stone was formed millions of years ago

Image Source: Lonely Planet

It is unclear what the rock is or how it formed. However, it is very smooth and most probably a part of a granitic pluton that was lifted during the formation of the Cordillera Occidental mountain range in Colombia in South America. This rock was worshipped by the Tahamies Indians, who were the former inhabitants of this region.

The rock has a curious history

Image Source: Jess Wondering

The northern face of the stone has large white letters painted, “G”, and an “I”. The “I” is an incomplete “U” (only the single vertical stroke was completed). Guatapé and El Peñol, two different regions in the area, had long disputed ownership of the rock. The people of Guatapé decided to settle this matter by painting the town’s name on the rock in big white letters. When the residents of El Peñol noticed the work, a large mob was assembled to stop it. Which is why only the “G” and half of the “U” were completed.

There is an even more interesting fact about this region that changes your whole perspective on the landscape.

Image Source: Lattin Chattin

The rock is a natural formation. However, the lake is human-made. It is part of a national hydroelectricity project which supplies more than 35% of the electricity for Colombia. It also provides electricity to sell to neighbouring countries like Venezuela.

The town of El Penol, which can be seen from the top of The Guatape Rock, is actually a new town. When the lake was created, the hydroelectricity project took the old town underwater. It is now almost completely submerged. Thousands of residents had to be moved to the new town. There is now a big cross that sticks out of the water in the lake to mark the spot where the old town is now submerged underwater.

The view from the top of the Guatape Rock will completely blow you away! 

Image Source: Journey era

The view is out of this world! You’ll see hundreds of small islets scattered throughout the deep blue water of the lake as far as your eyes can see. On one side is the city of El Penol and to the other side, the old-style town of Guatape.

You can even hang out at the top for a couple of hours. Recover from all that climbing and take in the epic view. You’ll find lots of chairs, tables, and umbrellas, as well as a cafe and a refreshment, stand here. All this and more makes this viewpoint an excellent chill-out area to spend a morning or afternoon!

That’s another place added to our bucket list. What about yours?

Featured Image Source: YouTube


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