8 Indian Graphic Novels You Must Read if You’re a Sucker For Art And Literature


For anyone who feels like they’ve outgrown comics but is still not ready to commit to a full-blown 200 + page novel (age no bar), we’ve got a solution for you! Graphic Novels! They combine the most exceptional work of literature and art. And they address some of the most apparent and pressing social issues of our society. These novels make up an essential and elaborate genre of literature. Which is why we have got for you a list of 8 brilliant graphic novels by Indian authors that you must put on your to-read list now!

1. Kari – Amruta Patil

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Kari, a sure shot trailblazer, is a graphic novel featuring a lesbian as its protagonist. A work of art by the exceptionally talented graphic novelist Amruta Patil, it attempts to portray the lived realities of homosexual women in a highly heterosexual society. This book acts as a breath of fresh air with Amruta’s vivid artwork breathing life into the story. Brace yourselves to get deeply invested in Kari’s constant search for her identity as a woman, her rebellion against the enforced concepts of femininity and her struggle to understand herself in this culture of dominance!

Get your copy here.

2. Delhi Calm – Vishwajyoti Ghosh

Image Source: Shades of Lavender

A blend of fact and fiction, this graphic novel re-imagines Delhi in 1975, when India was in a state of emergency under Indira Gandhi. This novel is literally the coolest way for anyone to know more about the time when fundamental rights were suspended, when free speech was subordinated, when trains ran on time and when freedom was a bad word! This fairly engaging read is going to take you by surprise with its interesting satirical approach to narrating the emergency period in Delhi!

Get your copy here.

3. Hush – Pratheek Thomas

Image Source: Goodreads

A graphic novel is much more than a comic book and is sure as hell a lot more than just fun and games and this gem by Prateek Thomas is going to prove just that. This well-executed silent book (no words, only drawings illustrated with ink and watercolour) sums up the evils of child abuse and violence. It tells the story of Maya, a young schoolgirl and a victim of sexual abuse who is unable to control her pain and anger and breaks out in a rampage in the classroom.

Get your copy here.

4. Legends of Halahala – Appupen

Image Source: Amazon.in

From the long-gone Oberian Age to the dyspotian era of dome-cities, Legends of Halahala is a graphic novel that will take you through timeless and silent tales of love, adventure and obsession! This comic ride through mythical worlds deals with social and moral issues connecting each story with the theme of love. Appupen’s distinctive art and his quirky engagement with both the real and the imagined worlds will make you want to delve deeper into this strange world created by him!

Buy your copy here.

5. The Aghori – Ram V, Gaurav Shrivastava and Vivek Goel

Image Source: Flipkart

The Aghori focuses on a man who is trying to lead a normal life. But when he’s ripped apart from his family, he starts searching for answers. He leaves the known world behind and goes on a 12-year journey. This journey ends with him becoming an Aghori – a self-denying, disciplined saint who worships Lord Shiva. This one is a seriously engaging novel with great artwork. Just to let you know, once you pick it up, you’re not going to be able to put it down until you finish. Don’t tell us we didn’t warn you!

Buy your copy here.

6. Kashmiri Pending – Naseer Ahmed

Image Source: Goodreads

A graphic novel by the Kashmir based novelist Naseer Ahmed, Kashmiri Pending focuses on the pains and predicaments faced by the Kashmiris daily. While it is written from multiple perspectives, the majority of the novel is seen through the eyes of one reformed militant locked up in jail. This book is a must-read for the great way it has handled the subject and of course the incredible artwork.

Get your copy here.

7. Sita: The Daughter Of Earth – Saraswati Nagpal and Manikandan

Image Source: Amazon.in

With colourful artwork and graphics, Sita: The Daughter Of Earth is a graphic novel that tells the tale of Ramayana as experienced by Sita. This book serves as an informative retelling of the Ramayana and is a perfect way for teenagers and young adults to get an insight into Hindu mythology. The grandeur and majesty of Ramayana are captured using colourful artwork, and we assure you, you will find it both mesmerizing and enjoyable!

Get your copy here.

8. Mumbai Confidential – Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde

Image Source: Amazon.in

A hardboiled graphic novel series, this book is dark and mesmerizing and will bring Mumbai to life right in front of your eyes! Following the story of Arjun Kadam, an ex-cop of Mumbai Encounter Squad, who after life-altering tragedy has now become a junkie on the verge of death. He is a victim and witness to a hit and runs where an urchin girl dies. From there on begins the cat and mouse chase. Dark, gritty, painful, and heartbreaking, this beautifully written novel will capture and hold you tight throughout the story!

Get your copy here.

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