5 Wellness & Spiritual Events you Must Attend in Delhi-NCR for a Rejuvenated Soul


When we think of December month, we automatically think of Christmas and New Year’s parties. It’s also officially the wedding season of the year, so probably add some wedding parties to those! But with so much fun and busy lifestyle, one definitely needs to take care of their physical as well as mental well being.
Step into the New Year with a better version of yourself by attending these upcoming spiritual and wellness events in town. Remember, New Year, same you, but just a bit more relaxed and calmer!

1. X-MAS Special Happiness Program

Image source: Artofliving/facebook

Sounds like a good program, right? Teacher and dancer Tarique Khan will be there, covering issues like stress, relationships, focus etc. So if you are looking to declutter your mind and bring in those positive vibes, you must attend this one.
When: 22-25 December
Where: Art of Living, sector 17 Gurgaon

2. Ayurveda Connection With Emotion and Body Issues Workshop

Image source: zorbathebuddha/facebook

This is for everyone out there who have issues dealing with their body image and emotions associated with it. The workshop will be taken by Dileri Sadhana, who is a bodyworker based out of Kuala Lumpur. Be prepared to learn about the well being of your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body.
When: 22 December
Where: Zorba the Buddha, MG Road

3. Kundalini Touch Therapy: Super Conscious Healing and Beyond

Image Source: Zorbathebuddha/

Get in tune with your body’s self-healing process and feel more relaxed and energized with this therapy class being taken by Kim LaRue. She is from the US and has over 30 years of experience as an awareness coach.
When: 17 & 18 December
Where: Zorba the Buddha, MG Road

4. Gurugram Vegan, Wellness & Zerowaste Festival

Image source: Yogific/facebook

When we talk of wellness and spirituality, we simply cannot leave behind healthy food, right? After all, what we eat reflects our life. Which is exactly why you should check out the Wellness and Vegan food festival happening in Gurugram. You can take part in the wellness session and at the same time indulge in some raw vegan food, shop for it as well and attend talks on vegan cookery.
When: 23 December
Where: Huda Gymkhana Club, sector 29, Gurgaon

5. New Year Yoga Retreat

How about some quality relaxation while you end this year and ring in the new one? Yogacharya Vijay Kumar would be present there to provide training on systematic Yogic techniques.
When: 31 December & 1 January
Where: Village Jewel Lodge, Mangar, Gurgaon

Featured image source: pixabay


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