5 Online Sites Which Are Super Handy to Rent Out Furniture From!

Couple chatting on laptop, Delhi, India

Bachelors, single ladies, students, couples…No matter who you are living with, we all need some cool furniture to laze around on. After all, it’s only the furniture in the house which sets the vibe for the entire place, right?

Image Source: pexels

Thanks to technology, now there are online sites & apps available through which one can rent out furniture. And the moment you are bored or you need some change in your interiors, you can rent some new stuff. Now, that’s a really cool arrangement, right?
One month you can be all bohemian, while the next, your house can have all vintage vibe to it. Ah, sweet!

Check these 5 online sites where you can rent out some super cool furniture and bring in some freshness to your interiors.

1. Furlenco

Odds are that you’ve already heard of this particular brand. Well, Furlenco is an award-winning, furniture renting platform with some pretty sweet designs. The best part is that they always have some or the other deal going on, which makes it smoother for you to rent out furniture. They are available in all major metro cities and the icing on the cake is that they also rent out appliances!

2. Rentickle

This is a relatively new platform and they serve only in five cities- Delhi, Bengaluru, Noida, Hyderabad and Gurgaon, but their service is really good. In fact, there’s a lot of novelty in the brand considering they also rent out fitness equipment- treadmills, cross trainers, exercise bikes, the whole works! They too rent out appliances, and when we say appliances, it also means DSLR cameras, how cool is that!

3. Cityfurnish

This company operates in four busiest metros in the country- Delhi, Mumbai, Pune & Bengaluru, and that’s why their furniture is also pretty modern. Like other platforms, they too rent out appliances and fitness equipment apart from the regular furniture. Their USP is that on top of it, they also rent out office furniture. For all those with start-up and entrepreneurial dreams, this is just what you were waiting for!

4. Rentmojo

Here’s another platform which caters to all the major metro cities in the country, including Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai and more. While they do have some super cool furniture you can rent out, they are taking the whole appliance-renting game to another level! Why, you ask. Well, you can even rent out smartphones and bikes from here! Seems like they are the solution to your lifestyle woes in the truest sense of the word.

5. Fabrento

Even though Fabrento’s designs are not way too fancy, they definitely score ten on ten when it comes to utility. Beds, couches, study furniture, everything here is pretty user-friendly. But what sets them apart is the fact that they have a pretty cool feature- rent to buy. You can simply buy the furniture you have already rented out, that too on discounted prices!

Would you ever rent out furniture for your place, what say?

Featured image source: getty


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