10 Brilliant Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi Which Are Relevant Even in Today’s Time


The name, Mahatma Gandhi, needs no introduction. His teachings and his legacy still lives with us and will continue for years and years to come. So, on the occasion of his birthday, Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October, we have handpicked some of the best quotes from him which are relevant event in today’s time. And given the kind of problems dawning on this planet, it seems like a good idea to inculcate these in our everyday lives.

Isn’t that true? Sadly with the global climate and the kind of condition our environment is in right now, this stands completely true!

Another set of golden words to live by. Because learning never stops.

Let’s admit, there are tons of people who could do with some civic sense training. And this one is for all of them!

You can’t control what other people do. But you are in control of your actions.

If you are procrastinator, you really need to start living by these words. No action= no result!

Speaking up one’s mind is better than simply lying to please someone. Does that resonate with you?

You can never emphasize enough on will power, can you?

True and true!

Be it in your personal or professional life, you should definitely try to live by these words. Never let anybody put you down.

It’s always good to make mistakes. You know why? Because you get to learn from them.

Featured Image Source: Deccan Herald


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